An Interaction with the Tamalas
We began by setting a Treasure Hunt in the library. Clues were set up in various books, artefacts and journals for them to find. Skill involved solving the clues as well as familiarity with the library and its collection.
Two children presented book talks which helped highlight and introduce those books to the others.
Along with this, I had a session of show-and-tell of interesting books at their level which are must-reads. A number of these books were borrowed with great gusto!
We conducted a book auction (for borrowing, not buying) where one set of Tamalas auctioned a book of their choice to the other set by extolling its virtues or offering add-ons. The listeners “bid” by using stones, leaves and seeds they had collected earlier.
We then had a session in the Reference Room to familiarise them with the collection there. We also had a reference simulation activity where they came up with a question or two and learnt how to “search” for the information in Encyclopaedias and other reference books.
We introduced them to non-fiction material and ensured that they each borrow a non-fiction as well as fiction.
We had a session with the Junior School where each Tamala took on two younger ones, selected an appropriate book, chose a space to sit anywhere in the library, and read to them. The whole exercise was independent of adults and was very quiet and enjoyable for all!
In their Kannada class, Kavya brought them to the library where Therlingappa presented a book talk of a Kannada book. This evoked good interest and each of them asked him a question in Kannada. Following on this, Kavya has taken them to the library to show them new Kannada books from the Book Fair which they have read during that period.
The Tamalas took on a project called “Adopt-a – book” in which they had to find a favourite book or one that needed care. Having done this they were to do whatever was necessary to care for the book – overall appearance, wider exposure and anything else they could think of. So they have created book jackets, written catchy ads, made a bibliography and repaired the books too. These are on display in the library now.
The last session we plan to show a child-friendly film to wrap up the term.
I feel the Tamalas are reading well. They were very open, responsive and involved in all the interactions.
Usha Mukunda and Arthi Sakteeswaran